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Daily attendance in school is very important for continued academic growth. Children can quickly fall behind their classmates when they are not in school every day.

We certainly don't want children to come to school when they are ill.   We understand the need to schedule doctor's appointments, and we ask that you try to schedule appointments after school hours whenever possible.  We also ask that you continue to send a note or call to verify illnesses or appointments. Illnesses with a Doctor’s verification must be turned into the office within 3 days of returning back to school. It is the responsibility of each parent to clear all absences within 24 hours. The school calls daily to verify any absences that have not yet been verified.  If your child shows a pattern of excessive absences a home visit by school personnel may take place.  After 5 consecutive days of absences (verified or not) your child will be dropped from our attendance records.

* * Your child may be considered a truant if he/she has three or more unexcused absences or is tardy for 30 minutes on three different days.  This may result in a referral to the School Attendance Review Board, also known as SARB. 

McCord School staff is dedicated in supporting you.  If there is any way that we can assist you in improving or preventing truancy for your child, please feel free to call the office. Your assistance in helping your children achieve excellent school attendance does three things:

  •          It sends a clear message to your child that being in school every day is important, because a good education is important.
  •          It establishes a daily pattern of "on-the-job" behavior with your child that carries over into adult life.
  •          It helps Kings Canyon Unified School District provide the best educational program that we can for your child. 

If your child is tardy during the week, you will receive an automatic phone call at 7 am to remind you to have your child at school by 8 am during the following week.